Paddington United Church, Sydney
Friday August 2, 2013 :
Commencing the “Winter Warming” was the spellbinding notions of Vaudrey, the Melbourne-born, Brooklyn based, Cellist concocting a spectral weave of experimental fusion that I just can’t seem to get my head around. An eclectic mass of cello, percussion and auto-tuning in cultivated ambiguity; With a surprise rendition of Bob Dylan’s ‘Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright’, Vaudrey managed to somehow blow my mind in way I am yet to decipher was good or bad…
Invigorating the stage in humbled grace, Jacob Pearson began soothing souls and tingling spines in a seemingly cursive manner. With the lecherous blues ridden pining of ‘A Collision’; “The words from my heart crawl up through my throat, but I swallow all of them and then I choke. Understand I’d kill for a collision; of our bodies, our minds and visions.” And the delectable tacitly of ‘Honey’ crooning; “You and your sweet honey flavoured voice; I’m watching you from afar, no more. Ephemeral glaring eyes worth drowning in, Nobody needs the truth at all” causing particular stir as Pearson’s dulcet tones reverberated through the hallowed stone walls of Paddington United Church before embedding themselves into very souls of an enthralled crowd. It wasn’t long until Pearson took to the keys solo for ‘Circles’ continuing to propel an immediate appeasing whimsy across the seraphic space, before launching into the ukulele drenched, seafaring sounds of ‘Footprints’.
And then it began, Mary & The Banks took the stage with an artificial bang… awash with dramatic runway strut entrances; giving off an inescapable Disney feel. I had hoped at this point it had been some kind of joke and would get better…only to be greeted with further hair flipping, hip shaking, theatrical cliché and a rendition of Bic Runga’s ‘Sway’; which I probably would have been able to dig if I was 10 using a hairbrush as a microphone in front of a mirror. In saying that, there were a number of audience members who obviously enjoyed the highly enthused set, and undeniably each member of the band have a genuine knack for their instrument of choice; But it all just promptly became stringent and askew, I was unable to escape the triviality or able to find myself any sense of connection through a thick fog of pop overload.
Swooping in to save the evening and rekindle the flame, with genuine grace and emotion; Melody Pool can timelessly ease a fleeting soul. Opening with the sweet tribulation of ‘Open Book’, Pool pines; “There’s a singer near on her knees with the words she begs and pleas; she’s a sight to see my darling, she’s a sight to see.” There’s a profound vein of candor that runs through Pool’s erudite songwriting, creating a cavalcade for sorrow and anguish… that vein exposing itself more so when combined with the adroit simplicity of Pool’s live act, as she chimes… “I was born in the midst of a waning moon. And as a child I wandered through the dark and the gloom; and it spilled into my womanhood and now I’m sad for most of the time.” before finding spark of optimism and self adequacy; “but there’s beauty in a woman who is bound to herself, and there’s no beauty in a woman who won’t respect herself; But there your choices babe, and the choice to live without you is mine.” Fluently unfurling the unvarnished emotion the evening so desperately craved.
Reviewer: Chloe Webb
Photographer: Glen Pearson
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What a weird review. I was one of the people getting all enthused when Mary & the banks came up: sound issues aside, they had an energy and grace to their set that you rarely experience in a sea of wafty doe-eyed floppy-haired shoegazers like Jacob was. I’ve seen them live twice now and maybe you should learn to let go a bit and get involved!
Melody was great, and she always is. I’ve seen her live now about 5 times and she never fails to really sweep me off my feet.
Uh ohh.. Here’s a change up, indie music reviewer who hates anything to do with pop.
Now let me be clear, Vaudrey, Jacob and Melody were phenomenal, I’ve had Jacobs EP on repeat since I bought it at this gig.
But heaven forbid there be a little variety in the lineup, that’s clearly why Mary &The Banks were on the bill.
Like it or not Chloe, these guys are there to give you an experience and they never fail to deliver.
Even while the sound guy was ballsing up every which-way, they kept their game faces on and it’s a true credit to their professionalism.
These guys are who they are, “artificial” it may seem to you, but is that simply because they choose to play pop music?
I dunno, it’s easy to be an indie snob, but I think next time when writing a professional review you need to look at it from a more open minded perspective, Mary & The Banks play pop music and they do what they do damn well.. Have a bit more respect.
Here here! Couldn’t have said it better myself.
I love this website and go on it all the time and i can seriously say that this is the shittest review i’ve ever read. i was at the concert and mary + banks were the only ones with awesome life and energy. vaudrey and the others were good too btw…..but sounds like this reviewer just discovered and tried her hand at being snobbish.
Note to Chloe: be fair on the performers. you’re not a critic writing for rolling stone. Gain your credibility through good reviews, not ‘thesaurus for dummys’ summaries.
While your entitled to your opinion, please be reminded that I am also entitled to mine, and as a reviewer I am encouraged to convey such, based upon none other than my own reflections.
With opinion comes backlash and I am more than willing to deal with that as it comes.
Kind Regards,
Ok, I might jump in here. Firstly I am happy for everyone to have their opinions and to let everyone post away but as soon as it becomes a personal attack on one of my unpaid contributors, I’ll delete the comments. This is why your comment Josh has been slightly amended. Keep in mind that this is a ‘review’ being commented on, and it is the reviewer’s thoughts on the show. Her comments on Mary & the Bands may not have been as glowing as your recollection of the show but this is because it is simply this one person’s opinion of what she witnessed. She has described quite clearly what she saw, and her response to their performance. I encourage my reviewers to do 2 things – describe what they see (good and bad) and how it made them feel. That way, even if it isn’t to the reviewer’s taste, the reader can still get a picture of the show and possibly say, “well, there reviewer did not like it but by the sounds of it, I would get into it.” I feel Chloe did this. What is nice to see though is passion for local music, and you guys do have it. Let’s not let this get out of control and attack someone who may not get into the same band or music as yourself.
Sorry mate, while I appreciate this writers talent, she made book-cover like judgements on a band and didn’t even review their music. As a strong yet very new up and coming band on the Sydney scene, such biased views can be very damaging especially when (as it seems from fellow commenters) her review is not a true reflection of Mary & The Bank’s performance, merely the shortcomings of a narrow minded pop-hater.
As I said, this just seems like a sheer lack of respect for people who have spent a lot of time and effort perfecting their craft, it’s just not healthy for our already struggling music scene.
Hi Cam,
While my review may not be a true reflection of everyone else’ opinion, it was a true reflection of mine… Which as a reviewer I am asked to convey, as honestly to my own sentiments as possible.
My sincere apologies if my opinion caused you, or anyone else offense.
It was not an attack on genre, or a personal attack upon the band.
I too am passionate about the local music scene and to put a dampen on its growth or progression, I would be devastated. I am in no way out to attack or deface anybody’s career.
Kind Regards,
Hi Chloe,
I appreciate your response.
However I simply disagree, you words were cruel and unwarranted with no constructive value to them. It’s easy as an observer to distance yourself and think of them as an entity, but in the end you have to remember these guys are human beings. They aren’t some crazy famous band who get way more love than hate and who are used to putting up with a few catty reviews.
As a fellow up and coming singer/songwriter I know how much of a toll these unwarranted reviews can take on a band just trying to make it.
All in all, you said it yourself, they’re bloody talented, next time leave it at that and keep the horrible judgements for some famous act who’s career won’t be effected by your personal opinion.
At the end of the day, I could have been kinder with my words, yes; but that then would not have been an honest representation of my opinion. The harsh reality of this industry is that not everyone is going like what you do… whether be somebody disagreeing with your music, or somebody disagreeing with your review…
Difference being Chloe, I’m not saying you’re a bad writer and not worth reading just cause I disagree with a small portion of your review..
It just brought this piece’s credibility down in the end and that’s just a real shame as it was actually a fantastic night and deserved a suited review.
Just worries me that a big online publication allows the defamation of an up and coming band in such an awful live music climate, isn’t doing anyone any favours.
Simple advice is build your own cred before attempting to ruin other’s.
Sorry admin! i didn’t mean to offend anyone, i just like reading the reviews on this site particularly of the shows i go to and i just thought this was too slanted and extreme. i’ll try not to appear so agro next time!
Not a problem Josh. I want people to be passionate about their local scene, and you obviously are passionate enough to comment. It was just that one word that got me making my own comment. These comments about Mary and the Banks will get people interested in having a listen to the band and making their own mind up. That’s a positive as far as I’m concerned. Thanks for keeping an eye on what we do. Cheers, Kevin
I did not attend this concert and know none of the acts mentioned in the above review however I do have some comments to make about the reviewer and publication.
1) If you are going to rip in to an artist, be prepared to have people rip back in to you. That’s what critics deal with.. (Axl Rose would be the best example of this) so if you consider yourself a critic you should start dealing with it. Peter McCallum from the SMH has even apologised to artist after writing inciting reviews.
2) Someone else mentioned the Bias issue.. well .. where do we start. It turns out the reviewer is good friends with one of the artist who got possibly the ‘best’ review and that artist father was the individual taking photographs for this website. This does not seem impartial.
3) Feel free to write what you want, but the editor of this publication should not be standing up for the reviewer who is copping other peoples critical responses. The reviewer should be able to deal with this, and reply themselves if they are so happy to share their thoughts on the evening. This cheapens the publication in my opinion.
That’s all for now
Solidly agree mate.
Thank you for your response, Johnny.
These comments have only just been bought to my attention.
I am well aware of the possible repercussions of my opinion and I am open to receiving criticism, just as I am to give it out.
If I wasn’t prepared for such, I would not be here.
As for bias, I discourage it. I am friends with the aforementioned artist, yes. But only through his music, if were not for the fact I am a fan of his, we probably would not be associated. I am genuinely a fan of his music, and causes no impingement upon my contrasting opinions of Mary and The Banks.
And yes, his father was photographer for the evening… but realistically that is hardly a focal point for bias.
As for my editors response, this is his publication after all.
I apologise that the repercussions of my review has had any impact upon your thoughts of this publication, that is the last thing I would want.
The only thing that I objected to was the use of a single word in one of the comments that was aimed personally at the reviewer. I felt that it was getting too close to offensive so I removed this word but kept the tone of the comment as it was written. Your thoughts and opinions I have no issue with.
You people are ridiculous, you obviously don’t know a reviewers job. Quit being keyboard warriors, and find something actually important to whinge about.
There’s and excitement about being on the receiving end of a review. As an artist, I think it’s great! Any media is good media when you’re starting out. It’s draws attention to a name that may have otherwise gone unnoticed.
With that in mind… You’ve got to learn to take the good with the bad. What one person dislikes, thousands may love and vice versa. A bad review is not going to derail your career or break the ‘struggling’ music industry…. It’s going to strengthen you as an artist. And the industry will keep on keeping on in whatever shape it adapts to… Forever. The music industry will never die. It’ll change, but not die. Imagine the world that would create.
Wrapping it up… Yeah it’s a bad review and they never feel good. But take it or leave it. Don’t let it get the better of you. Learn from it.
Even if I were not to agree with the review (and I didn’t see the show, so I’m a opinion-less in this one), I think she did her job well.
Good work Chloe. It’s a good bit if writing!
Yeh fair call on that Chris, we do all have to deal with haters every now and then and that’s life.
Yeah we do Cam. Unfortunate part of our lives hey.
Realistically, simply by being artists and putting ourselves out there we’re asking to be reviewed in some way, shape or form. I think that somewhere throughout your career you’re going to find someone who’s not in to what you’re doing. At the end of the day, they’re entitled to their opinion, it’s just whether or not you let it effect you.
From what I’ve seen Chloe write above, I didn’t interpret it to be a ‘haters’ comments. Rather a fairly candid opinion. However, you’re damn right in that somewhere along the line, you’ll have some hate fired at you for some reason or another. Hopefully not too much though hey!! =)